Thursday, May 5, 2011

Beating the Bank Holiday Blues

Well, so far the Easter period has been pretty nifty. We've had great weather, a succession of bank holidays and a Royal Wedding to boot. I wouldn't be surprised if many of you have had to stop and start a bit during this time as the people around you are enjoying their first well deserved break since Christmas. But if you're a student in HE this really isn't the restful time that it is for everyone else and with teaching resuming this week and the assessment period just around the corner, you've probably got a lot on your plate. So just how do you stay motivated when the world around you is taking it easy? And if you have had a break to enjoy a bit of down time over Easter, how do you get started again? Some good questions so here is my attempt at a bit of positive psychology and a few ideas of how to get motivated:

  • I'm a big fan of planning, but really do plan! Work out what your overall goal is and break it down by imposing a series of mini targets to help you get there. It will make things seem more achievable whilst keeping your eye on the prize at the end
  • Don't sweat the small stuff. It's not uncommon to experience setbacks or come across problems we hadn't anticipated - it's going to happen. Tackle issues as they arise and aim to work flexibly and re-jig your plans accordingly.
  • Talk about it! Articulating what you're going to do and how you're going to do it is an excellent way to get motivated because you're putting your vision out there and that in itself is a form of commitment. It also means you're less likely to get pestered into doing something else by other people!
  • Make it habit. Creating habits does take time but it really does build intrinsic motivation
  • Get the right stuff. Make sure you have the resources you need to get the job done. Preparation is key
  • Hang out with the right people - positive energy is contagious. Not only that but isn't it great to know that other people are in the same boat? So rub shoulders with people who share your aspirations and get support from one another
  • Know your weaknesses. We all have them and it's better to work with them than deny them. And whilst you're at it, realise your strengths and make the most of your assets too.
  • And finally... remember to have some down time. Regular breaks are a must to refuel and carry on so factor some in :-)

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